April 2024 Meeting Minutes

Hamilton Soccer Club

Meeting: Wednesday, April 9- APPROVED



This meeting was scheduled to start at 7:00 pm. This was determined by a club vote in January and upheld through club vote. However, due to several coaches choosing to arrive late in favor of continuing practice, we did not have a majority of the board available to start this meeting until 7:38 pm. All meetings are listed on the website calendar and are scheduled to start at 7pm. 


Nelson Hernandez William Conway Andrea Viteritto  Frank Bisanzio
Sylvanna Bartholomew Laurie heimes Gregg smith Hamlet caminero
Eric todd Kurt bliefernich Rich Ehrmann


Agenda and notes


Picture Day 27th, mandatory. If you cannot make this date, tell nelson a Saturday or Sunday alternate. The 27th – there will be times after 3 and Sunday, between 2 and 3. If you cannot make it, mandatory to take a photo of your whole team in front of the goal and send it to nelson personally.  See GroupMe for more information. 
fundraising *waiting on 5 Below totals

Cheesecakes: 55.00

Requests for dining nights out are in at Shake shack and buffalo wild wings. 

Sylvanna – Brian – downstairs. We can open the concessions on Sunday if we are willing to pay the supervisor. Nelson will get the cost from Brian. There is a week with 8 teams. We will use that as a trial run.

Syl contacted Kona and they will give us 20%. Proposal: 28th.

Andrea will look into other food trucks such as a breakfast truck. 

Please, please, please promote fundraising. Please copy and paste messages, please highlight in your parent meetings, please try to attend, maybe send messages to your team like, “I am headed to red robin on friday at 4 – does anybody want to join?” 
League rep  Flight night – anybody affiliated with MOSA – rep, board member, member, etc can apply for a scholarship as a senior. Everybody gets something and they have a nice little ceremony. 

Head injury reminder – there will be a blue line put in by the ref. Please make sure you check your card. If you don’t get back to him by friday, you may not be cleared. 

Gregg asks – MOSA cup for warriors and wolfpack? We are going 11v11, what do we do? Borrowing club pass players is allowed. 

Only 18 players are allowed on the bench at 11 v 11

MOSA needs video or will not even open discussion over a debate. Ask parents to video or picture. This is important. 

*check your player cards early and often – if you have a head injury it must be taken care of in a timely manner. 
treasurer Budget sent through GroupMe

Request made for further breakdowns and rich will be better able to provide that going forward. 

safe/paying refs Nelson texted everybody their code. Front of envelope – sign and date. Put envelope back in the box. 
fields Fields are good. Sand injection over the summer should solve most water issues. No standing water on the fields after the last several days of rain. Do not go by the entrances. Greg is looking to have more entrances cut in to relieve pressure. Keep your kids off of the fields when they are not playing – no exceptions. Stay off the fields unless you are playing a game. No exceptions. 

Last travel team of the day should sweep the field. 

If you need supplies, go to the janitor closet across from the bathrooms. Code is 2013. Refill what is needed before you leave. 

Team updates Cobras – tied 2-2, mostly the same team. Projecting 1-2 place.

Infernos – 4-2 win, renegades loss

Wolfpack – 2-2 tie

Strikers – loss of 2-1 

Banshees – game 1 is the 18th

Dragons – 6-2 win

Predators – 2-1 win… denny is now staying but is practicing w matchfit and he is going to not start and fill in where needed only. 

Warriors – 4-3 win in premier

Cosmos – 2-1 loss

Terminators – 7-4 loss

permits 3-9 are our permitted fields. Hughes drive is a public area. First come, first serve but please work as a team.
Club apparel  Nelson has a guy that is making a website and he is going to give us percentages back to the club. Each team can send the logo. Nelson will send us the link and teams can order online. Laurie showed some samples from her guy. Bill proposes that htrsa and hsc should use the same vendor.  Nelson will follow up with Kate and the guy he is speaking about and will put something together and share on GroupMe. 
tryouts June – 10-13

Backup – 17, 18

Further details at next meeting 
New Business
Club apparel Will discuss at next meeting
4 minutes Rich – trying to put a 3v3 or pickup together in the summer. They must be an HSC or HTRSA player in the spring to be eligible. Kurt says NJYS is trying to arrange this. 

Frank – no personal attacks. Brings up original chat group. 

Greg – look at club more of a bigger picture. Act as a club and do not focus on your teams. Show some leadership. 

Eric – has anybody ever screen printed their logo on a tent? 

Kurt – 

Syl – be respectful of others’ time and do not have side conversations. Can old business be discussed first? 

Laurie – what is the turnaround time on apparel?

Hamlet – resolve old business first 

Bill – been here since the club started. Points out that although he is normally quiet, and when he wants to say something, it is important and he would like the respect. We are being clear about the budget. Bill has worked hard to make our finances transparent and to actually have procedures. Rich is doing a great job as treasurer. 

Andrea – be mindful of time, please

Nelson – originals saw how this was at the beginning – no meetings, no trainers… we have come a long way. Nelson is proud of and grateful for what we have. As commissioner, please put some faith in nelson.  Working to be open and transparent. At the end of the day, we have to be on the same page. Wants to clear up messes, lack of communication. Meetings should be an hour at max. Please listen to nelson and give him time. 

Discussion platform.  We will revisit at the next meeting, but we talked briefly about  finding a better discussion platform to redirect the side conversations happening on GroupMe. 

Adjourn  – 9:21