August 2024 Meeting Minutes

Hamilton Soccer Club

Board Meeting Agenda

August 25, 2024

Called to order 7:07 PM

Brian Addis Andrea Viteritto William Conway Frank Bisanzio
Kurt Bliefernich Kyle Oravsky Sylvanna Bartholomew Lindsay Jenkins
Moe Brown  Katie McCurley Kim Jones Ryan Moriarty


  • Next Meeting – 7:30 on Sep 11, 2024
  • Brian is the point of contact for all things related to the Philadelphia union trainers – not nelson
  • A Philadelphia union contact will come out to the fields 3x per season and we are allowed to approach and speak. Brian will be with him.
  • Fields – try not to use them on Fridays. (HTRSA)
  • Mosa cup – try to schedule 2x per night, 6 and 7:30 – reach out to frank as soon as you reasonably can
  • Frank and nelson are trying to obtain fields 1 and 2 on the permit, and perhaps we can play 11v11 there
  • Langtree, Reynolds, Grice – 3 days before a game needs to be played, they will cut and line the fields per Brian.
  • Gregg will be creating a matrix of who is using the fields at the complex. We need to be careful about not ruining the fields. We have to give some and take some, and we must work together
  • Lindsay will check Morgan elementary and tell Brian if the fields are playable and brian will contact morgan about potential use here for 7v7
  • Link to give trainer feedback: OMITTED
  • 8, 9, 3,  4 have nets – no other fields have nets  (6,7, etc)
  • All training will happen on field 8 for the foreseeable future. Trainers will be given the opportunity to arrive and set up here. 
  • Survey and player evals to be sent out/filled out week 2 and week 5
  • You absolutely must be fingerprinted or you cannot be with the kids. Once you get fingerprinted, you have 3 years
  • Log into NJYS and make sure you are assigned to your team, make sure you are signed on as a volunteer! The instructions are in the coach welcome packet
  • Nelson is going to set up a meeting for all new coaches for gotsport, etc – Gregg is going to be hosting this. Please email: OMITTED
  • New teams are in gotsport under nelson… teams are not getting the information they need especially via gotsport because of this. 
  • Frank can set up generic accesses to gotsport as needed
  • New coaches will need safe password/code to pay refs – this will be part of what gregg shows
  • Safe passwords will be created by nelson. 
  • Parent survey created previously by Andrea Viteritto will be sent within the first three weeks of the season.


Blue claws, potential fundraising partnership

Bob smith has moved to sportika

Parent removal – 500.00 fine, and a board member must attend next game and make sure that parent isn’t’ there

NJYS email – 25/26 season, grade year vs birth year, thoughts being asked

EDP may card into premier and nat one at some point

Combo of club and secondary passes are being more closely watched, 5 for 11 v 11, 4 for 9v9 and 3 for 7v7 and must be marked on the card. 

They are moving to a paperless environment. App on the phone

tentative date for the MOSA cup November 16 in Marlboro. 
  1. Treasurer
  1. Coaching License/Certifications
Make sure you have your licenses and certifications, whether new or moving up
  1. Indoor/Winter
Center court, sportika, renting space with jim

Open soccer nights? 

2 other clubs have offered proposals, but frank was first

Gathering prices, deadline of a week, info to be sent to the entire board
  1. Uniforms
Syl has offered to go to Eatontown and pick up the ship to store stuff
  1. Practice Jerseys
Coach shirts… info coming
  1. Equipment
You should have been able to get to the complex to get your equipment already if you are a new team.  Gregg will email the board with how many balls we have and if we need to place a second order, we will 

To get new equipment: OMITTED 

  1. Fields
Fields look good – they do need some work before we can play on them. Good cleanup job. Sanding is not done yet but it is not a necessity. 
  1. Tournaments
Syl notes that older teams are starting to age out of tournaments and Kyle suggests we have a backup tournament. Frank expresses reservations due to his players playing in two places  Nelson will register teams for the tournament. 
gotsport The mosa side and how you communicate with coaches This part of the table is to show who handles what – Gregg shared so new coaches know. 
Us soccer Licenses and certs
njys Cleared, to coach, concussion, SafeSport, risk management


New Business


Meeting adjourned: 8:29